The pandemic has taken a toll on the country’s mental health, but The Crafty Hubbers of Thornton-le-Dale have been busy raising money for local charity, Next Steps, and have also gifted a ‘buddy bench’ to local care home, The Hall.
The Crafty Hubbers, a group of keen knitters based in Thornton-le-Dale, have been busy raising money for mental health in the local area. The group knitted ‘buddy bears’ to help to raise £800 for Next Steps Well-being Centre in Malton. The centre supports people with mental health problems, wellbeing issues and helps to prevent isolation and loneliness in North Yorkshire.
Having raised more than £2,000, the ‘buddy bears’ will return to shops now that they have opened again. Some of the funds raised have been put towards a ‘buddy bench’ to be placed in the gardens at The Hall Care Home. ‘buddy benches’ have become symbols of hope and light-heartedness, designed to encourage community and feelings of openness, both important for mental wellbeing.
The bench has been placed in one of The Hall’s gardens, for residents, their families and members of the community to take some time out, have a chat and to watch the world go by.
The idea of ‘buddy benches’ came from Crafty Hubber, Denise Rajab, who was inspired by the ‘buddy bench’ project that took place, Kuwait, her husband’s home country, was invaded by Iraq in 1990/91. The benches were placed around school yards to encourage children to talk about their experiences. There is another ‘buddy bench’ going to Thornton Dale Primary School, donated by Denise’s husband’s school in Kuwait as a friendship bench.
Denise Rajab, member of The Crafty Hubbers, said: “The ‘buddy benches’ were a lifeline to us in Kuwait after the invasion in 1990/91. We put ‘buddy benches’ in the school yard and in a small garden. These benches were to encourage children to talk to one another. With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea if we could have a couple in our own village.”
Monica Hindley, resident at The Hall, said: “The ‘buddy bench’ is a lovely idea and I am excited to sit and chat on it while enjoying the wildlife.”
Nicky Beach, care manager at The Hall, said: “The ‘buddy bench’ is a great idea, it will be a lovely area for our residents to sit and talk with their families, and for members of the community to visit, when it is safe for them to do so.
“I would like to thank the Crafty Hubbers for all of the hard work that they have put in to raise money for our bench and for Next Steps.”